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Re: Unix links subverting Web security

	Use SymlinksIfOwnerMatch -- I don't know if CERN supports
that, but I think Apache and NCSA 1.4 do.

> Hello all,
>   forgive me if this is an 'FAQ' type of question.
> Using the CERN/3.0 WebServer (I haven't tried it with NCSA yet), I noticed
> the following.
> I logged in as myself (in normal user mode), changed to the 'USER_DIR' of my
> account and then did the following:
>     ln -s /etc/passwd test.doc
> I then called this file across the network from another machine (albeit
> within the .bris.ac.uk domain) using netscape and the simple user specific
> URL of '~ccsw/test.doc'.
> What I got back was a nicely pre-formatted copy of my '/etc/passwd' file.
> Now, some of our systems DON'T use shadow passwords (not my fault,
> honest!).. and that meant that not only did I get a list of all the
> usernames, but also the passwords associated with them.
> Now, knowing of the strengths of Crack and such like, and the dumb things
> our local users do, this constitutes a potential security hole.
> So, the question is:
>   Is there a standard way of stopping this, by configuration or some other
> means at source, that is the WebServer itself? Or, do I have to ritually
> scan my filesystem for links to potentially dangerous systems files and
> delete them??
> Steff
> : University of Bristol                            Steff.Watkins@bris.ac.uk
> : URL: http://sw.cse.bris.ac.uk/  <= As mentioned in Wired 1.04+
> : Making a fire so big the gods will notice me again!!!

sameer						Voice:   510-601-9777
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